About Us


Serving the greater good….

Global Partners for Africa Development (Global PAD) is a nonprofit 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt organization that works with communities and institutions in North America, Europe and Africa to remove obstacles that hinder development in Africa. We are committed to give African children a brighter future. Education, healthcare, and clean water are Global PAD’s core programs. The organization is headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, and has chapters across North America, Europe, and Africa.


Our mission is to enhance human dignity and quality of life for underprivileged African children, families, and communities by tackling the root causes of poverty and injustice through the implementation of sustainable projects in education, healthcare, and clean water.


The vision of Global Partners for Africa Development is to make every community that we are involved in, a better environment by providing lasting solutions to poverty through quality education, affordable healthcare, and clean water.

Board of Directors (Volunteers – No Salary)

Executive Committee (Volunteers – No Salary)

Theodore Afeli
Executive Director

Kwami Gati
Project Director
Walter Amefia
Chief Financial Officer

Technical, Strategic, and Fundraising Committees (Volunteers – No Salary)

Didier Klu
Chairman Technical Committee

Nestor Degboevi
Technical Committee

Victor Doe
Chairman Fundraising Committee

Stephane Codjie
Strategic Committee

Franck Dogbe
Fundraising Committee
Emile Adakpo
Technical Committee

 Kafui Ayassou
 Fundraising Committee